Any student who wants financial aid for their study is highly supported by student loans. Student loans can serve as an important boost for a prosperous academic and professional future, particularly for overseas students. Knowing the Student loans Limit 2024 you can request is a good place to start when considering your options.
The maximum amount you can request for a student loan is determined by two primary factors: the type of loan you apply for and your circumstances. While it is important to be extremely cautious when estimating the amount you need to begin or complete your studies, knowing the loan limit is a good place to start. Loans come in two varieties: private and federal.
Student Loans Limit
Depending on the sort of loan you receive, you might be able to borrow up to the entire cost of your college education but the total amount will vary. Federal student loans have maximums of $31,000 for dependent students and $57,500 for independent undergraduates, while many private loans have lifetime caps. A preliminary estimate of the amount you will need to borrow can be obtained by adding up your tuition and fees, housing, books, supplies, and eating expenditures, and then deducting any additional financial aid you may have received.
Federal loan limits
How far ahead you are in school and whether or not your parents are providing for you determine the federal loan restrictions. Your family’s financial situation will also affect your eligibility for subsidized loans, which do not accrue interest while you are enrolled in college.

Federal borrowing limits for dependent UG’s
Year in school | Overall borrowing lmt | Subs. borrowing limit |
1st year | $5,500 ($9,500 if your parent can’t get a PLUS loan) | $3,500 |
2nd year | $6,500 ($10,500 if your parent can’t get a PLUS loan) | $4,500 |
3rd year and beyond | $7,500 ($12,500 if your parent can’t get a PLUS loan) | $5,500 |
Total limit | $31,000 ($57,500 if your parent can’t get a PLUS loan) | $23,000 |
You are regarded as a dependent student if your parents provide for you. While enrolled in school, dependent undergraduate students are eligible to borrow between $5,500 and $7,500 in federal student loans annually, with a maximum of $31,000.
Federal borrowing limits for independent UG’s
Year in school | Overall borrowing lmt | Subs. borrowing limit |
1st year | $9,500 | $3,500 |
2nd year | $10,500 | $4,500 |
3rd year and beyond | $12,500 | $5,500 |
Total limit | $57,500 | $23,000 |
Independent students are those who are married, older than 24, veterans of the armed forces, or self-supporting. The maximum amount you can borrow if you are not living with your parents is $12,500 year, or $57,500 overall. However, as an undergraduate, the maximum amount of subsidized loans you can take out is $23,000.
Federal borrowing limits for graduate students
Overall borrowing lmt | Subs. borrowing limit | |
Annual limit | $20,500 | N/A |
Total limit | $138,500 | $65,500 |
Working for a master’s or doctoral degree, such as an M.A., MBA, M.D., J.D., or Ph.D., increases your federal borrowing restrictions. Graduate students are allowed to borrow up to $138,500 in total, including whatever undergraduate loans they may have taken out, with an annual borrowing cap of $20,500. For graduate students who took them out prior to that time, however, they might have subsidized loans of up to $65,500.
The maximum amount of federal loans that medical school students can take out before switching to grad PLUS or private medical school loans is $224,000. The annual borrowing cap on the more reasonably priced federal student loans is $40,500 for the majority of medical school students.
Private loan limits
Repayment capacity determines private student loan limits. The amount of your monthly income that would be needed to pay back your loan and all of your other debts (your debt-to-income ratio) is what lenders consider. A parent, another family member, or a friend cosigns the majority of private student loans for undergraduates because they typically lack credit and income histories.
Apart from evaluating your capacity to pay back, the majority of private student lenders will also have a maximum loan amount. The maximum amount that private lenders will lend is your cost of attendance less any additional financial aid you have received, regardless of how much you or your cosigner make.
How much should you borrow?
You can receive one of two results after figuring out your overall attendance costs. If your needs are less than the maximum, you can apply for your student loan with ease. Your estimated sum, however, might exceed the private student loan limits. It is preferable in this situation to prioritize certain costs and take out as much debt as you can. Although the most affordable federal loans for undergraduates have low interest rates and borrowing limitations, most borrowers who complete their degrees are able to repay them.
However, it is easy to incur higher levels of student loan debt that are more challenging to pay back if you continue on to graduate school. PLUS loans have larger ceilings, which might result in six-figure debt. The College Scorecard from the Department of Education will help you determine how much debt is appropriate for the degree you are pursuing.
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