One important financial program is Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), which distributes the state’s natural resource income to its citizens. The fund, which was created in 1976, provides an annual income stream by ensuring that oil and gas profits are allocated equitably. Families and individuals in Alaska can benefit greatly from the PFD program, which encourages local investment and spending.
Eligible Alaskans can claim $1312 Permanent Fund Dividend Checks 2024 Payment that are based on the state’s careful handling of its oil earnings. You must meet $1312 PFD Checks 2024 Eligibility criteria to get this payment.
$1,312 Stimulus Payment this December 2024
Resident of Alaska are eager to take benefit of the Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF), which is now only available to individuals who are still categorized as “Eligible-Unpaid” after 2024. To make sure that the state’s citizens directly benefit financially from the state’s oil and gas income, the PFD distributes a percentage of the profits from natural resources. In an effort to stimulate investment and expenditure, eligible residents will receive a $1,312 payout through the stimulus program.
The assistance from the 2024 pool will reach $1,702 and be given to about 600,000 people. The PFD’s broader effects are significant, even if its primary goal is to assist residents with their income in the months ahead. As a form of universal basic income (UBI), the dividend is comparable in that it provides many households with financial support during periods of inflation.
$1312 Permanent Fund Dividend Checks 2024 Details
Benefit Name | Permanent Fund Dividend |
Available in | Alaska |
Name of Department | Department of Revenue, Alaska |
Amount | $1312 |
Payment Date | December 19, 2024 |
Category | Financial Aid |
Official Website | |
$1312 PFD Checks 2024 eligibility criteria
In order to qualify for the PFD, candidates need to fulfil a number of behavioral and residency requirements:
- Be a registered resident of Alaska for a minimum of 12 months in a row.
- Do not intend to apply for residency elsewhere; instead, stay in the state.
- Have worked in the state for at least 72 hours straight throughout the previous 24 months.
- Must not have served time in prison for any of the PFD-recommended felonies or certain misdemeanors.

When are PFD payments distributed?
The program’s prolonged existence, however, is a reflection of Alaska’s income distribution and resource management. Future challenges include changes in the oil price and debates and controversies regarding the PFD program’s long-term sustainability. It still contributes significantly to Alaskan culture, nevertheless, and provides access to the state’s natural riches in addition to financial advantages. Payments for PFD will be shared soon and the last payment was made on October 26.
As direct transfers are quick and easy, they are the most popular method. You should get in touch with the Department of Revenue to find out your status if you haven’t received your payment. Applications classified as “Eligible-Unpaid” are handled as per official rules mentioned on As per $1312 PFD Checks 2024 Payment Date, payment will be shared on December 19, 2024.
How to apply for Alaska’s PFD
Every year, the PFD accepts applications from January 1 through March 31. They can be sent in via mail or online. Every household member including children must fill out a separate application. For example, a four-person household has to file four separate applications. To maximize the financial benefits of the PFD program, it is essential to be updated about it. Residents of Alaska are advised to carefully plan their applications and monitor Department of Revenue updates to ensure they don’t miss any deadlines or qualifying requirements.
What to do if you didn’t get the 2023 check
You must take immediate action if you have not received your 2023 payment yet. It is unclear from the official 2024 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend website if the approved 2023 amount is still being disbursed. You should get in touch with ADOR immediately if you think you are eligible but haven’t received your payment.
Their phone number is 907-465-2326, and their fax number is 907-465-3470. You can visit the Permanent Fund Dividend Division in person at P.O. Box 110462, Juneau, AK 99811-0462, if you would rather. Resolving past-due payments from the previous year may get more difficult as time goes on, therefore it is imperative to address any probable difficulties as soon as possible.
The check distribution dates do not continue indefinitely, thus it is crucial to remain mindful of these deadlines. You still have time to fix any mistakes in your application and receive your money if it is stuck or if you haven’t met any conditions but in order to prevent missing out, it’s usually a good idea to act sooner rather than later.
In order to guarantee that you are ready to receive any future payments without needless delays, you should act immediately, particularly if you have experienced any problems with your eligibility or payment status. Waiting longer could make it more difficult to fix any problems, especially when the state introduces new payment cycles every year.
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